New Unit Study!


Discover the wonders of the Jacaranda tree in this captivating unit study.
Dive into the realms of Botany, Geography, History, and Language Arts,
all while exploring the enchanting world of this beautiful flowering tree.
With a blend of interactive activities and fun worksheets, this unit study
promises an unforgettable experience for you and your little ones.
Get ready to immerse yourselves in the beauty of nature and let your learning blossom!
Jacarandas A Unit Study on Purple Trees
Grades 1-5 Printable - PDF 26 pages
$9.95 On Sale for $4.98

adventurer Level
Approx Grade level PK-1
Skill stage: Early writing skills
Parent reads prompts
68 pages

Explorer Level
Approx Grade level 1st-4th
Skill stage: Works independently
Cursive writing guidelines

Navigator Level
Approx Grade level 3rd-7th
Skill stage: Reads in cursive
Works independently
68 pages

Voyager Level
Approx Grade level 7th-12th
Skill stage: Works independently
Prompts focused on Career Exploration
68 pages